
Admission to this school is restricted to the seats available. It is open to all the children without Distinction to any religion, creed or class.

Those who seek admission from schools to any class are subjected to a competitive entrance test to prove their fitness.

Every pupil for admission must be introduced in person by the one who will be responsible to the principal for her/ him. The application must be filled up in the prescribed from supplied by the school.

Admission to K.G. Is of no guarantee of automatic admission to Std. I. Student will have to prove them selves fit to be admitted

Parents will have to submit Transfer certificate, photo copy of mark sheet and Birth Certificate along with admission from.

A pupil who joins afresh has to produce his/her official Birth Certificate/Transfer Certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the admission form.Birth Certificate issued from the municipal / Panchayat Office and Baptismal Certificate shall be valid The date of birth as recorded by the authorities shall be considered legal and no change or alteration will be allowed later.

The Transfer Certificate brought from other schoos must be counter signed by the Education Officer of that District or Section Officer Of CBSE or ICSE


1.Admission to Std xi is a fresh admission and it is restricted to girls and is to be taken before 10th July.